Custom Mechanics: Re-Enabled #
We have completely reworked the previously added Telegraph Mechanics system (which we found out was incompatible with Mobile and MacOS builds of the game), with a new set of custom mechanics based on in-game assets. These mechanics are compatible across all game clients and devices.
- Lord Saurog and Archer of the Desert dungeon bosses have their custom mechanics re-activated as well.
- The World Boss KLAUTH has received a new set of custom mechanics. We’ll need to test the impact on your clients performances.
- Updated the Hall of Fame with 2024 PVP Tournament Winners statues, and updated the Donors room, which now lists all the Donors Adoh ever had from 2019, until mid February 2025!
- Added Mace as a Wizard weapon
- Added a barrier in Moonglow – Cliffed Swamp, where the high level zone begins. The barrier can be destroyed, and a warning is shown right before it.
- Adjusted Tom’s Blessing Brilliant item caster level. It now casts spells with a caster level of 25 (regardless of the caster level seen in the spell property on the item)
- Added all Brilliant Donor items to Test Area
- It is now possible to rename your stored spell slots from your Player Menu
- Added connection pipe in Benzor Sewers, around the scrags zone
- Slightly nerfed level 15+ dungeon bosses
- Slightly nerfed all exploding creatures across all dungeon levels
- Added 3 new female portraits
- Slightly reduced Hydroxys size
- Reduced cooldown to check for dungeon status to 5 seconds
- Disabled attack of opportunity during a Pick Pocket attempt
- Adjusted Ioun spells to be undispellable
- The Spell Restore potion can now be used by any character, if that character has at least 1 class that can cast spells.
- Almost fully un-hardcoded the examine window of an object. We use our custom examine window now when examining NUI store items, or when examining loot items before need/greed selection.
- Added private tell message to a player when an item is dropped to the ground. This message might trigger even for some things that don’t actually fall on the ground. Some of these can be filtered out, some not. Let us know for what it triggers and we’ll adjust accordingly.
- Fixed Druid Henchmen not leveling up properly
- Fixed Moonglow boss not walking its waypoints
- Fixed Broken boat conversation in Northern Chasm
- Fixed Henrietta quest boss healing endlessly
- Fixed Sun Ghost spawn timer
- Fixed a Chest in Trel Building rewarding infinite Celestial Keys
- Fixed Rapid Shot and Mounted Archery feat descriptions
- Fixed Protection From Spells description not matching the spell real functions
- Fixed some traps in Frothen Throne Raid triggering even without a boss active
- Fixed Vine Mine spell school not matching
- Fixed DOT spells not triggering VFX fade off notifications
- Fixed tons of conversation that require personal tokens being public and ruining game immersion
- Fixed several Quest markers not working properly
- Fixed dungeons from checking the misc loot table (scrolls, potions, etc)
- Fixed World Boss mechanics distance being set by mistake to a maximum of 20 meters