Author: First release by Steniel, then ADoH Discord Community
Created: 09-NOV-2024
For those looking for general features to include in a build, here is a list of some things to consider when making your own build. Consider this an overall guideline of generally good build.
Rationale: “What to aim for, what to avoid, this stuff is obvious for people in this channel, but unknown to beginners. Moreover, they never discover on their way to 40 that getting bellow 65 AB sucks”.
Here are examples of such knowledge:
- If your build needs to hit something to work, aim for 65 final AB at least. Remember often character sheet is wrong, always check using combat log.
- If you’re a melee build, aim for 75 final AC at least. Try to add other layers of defense to it (Concealment, Critical Immunity, Epic Dodge, etc). For every layer of defense missing, try to raise your final AC some more.
- Aim for 48 Will save. It will be useful to resist Bigby’s line of spells, Blind auras and other nasty debuffs.
- 63 Fortitude save to be immune to KD / Devastating Criticals. Good, but not mandatory.
- 45 Reflex save to avoid sov (Storm of Vengeance) stun.
- ESF pickpocket + crossclass pp + some other source of pp is enough to speed up some dungeon bosses: you can pickpocked bosses to steal (once) heal potions from them so they can’t heal.
- If you can put Evasion in your build do it: it will saving you from many traps.
- Don’t bother with “Devastating criticals” if you have below 42-44 unbuffed strength.
- Dont bother with Flurry / Rapid Shot / Blinding Speed with AB bellow 68.
- Try to add some Fire and Acid resistance to the build, via feats (Epic Damage Resist) or equipment. Fire is priority (Fire shield, Incendiary clouds, Traps) but also Acid (Mestil’s sheath and Storm of Vengeance) is often seen in Dungeons/Raids.
How to test your build before creating the real character?
Go into test area (Create a character with name = “TEST” and whatever) and you can perform these acknowledged tests among others:
- Run a dps check against the dummy “65 AC DUMMY – DPS TEST – Chaotic Evil – Boss Damage Reduction”: anything over ~65-70 dps is considered okay.
- Go in the test arena and summon a Moore Guardian:
If you beat him, probably your build is playable…
If you beat him while not using any heal potion, probably you build is good even!
Closing words
Wise man once said: