Mulrock Arena Xmas Setup #
Mulrock Arena has been adorned with Xmas decorations, waiting for the upcoming Xmas events to begin!
Check our discord to know everything about the upcoming Xmas events!

GTS Crafted Items to Test Area #
GTS Crated Items have been added to the Test Area! You can find the GTS Store option while talking with the Test Trainers!

Summon Spells Rework #
Animate Dead, Summon Undead and Summon Greater Undead have been reworked. New specific creatures have been created with a better balance and better scaling!
- Animate Dead: scaling stops at caster level 10
- Create Undead: scaling stops at caster level 26.
- To be able to summon the Caster Level 26 summon, you need Spell Focus Necromancy
- Create Greater Undead: scaling stops at caster level 31.
- To be able to summon the Caster Level 31 summon, you need Greater Spell Focus Necromancy.
- To be able to summon the Caster Level 26 summon, you need Spell Focus Necromancy

- Improved temple heal from conversation. It now fully heals and completely strips hostile effects.
- Added new VFX effects to the module
- Increased default Happy Hour Vengeful drop chance to +4% (up from +3%)
- Removed AFK kick from Test Characters
- Adjusted XP Penalty across the different resurrection methods to never be higher than the Fugue Statue resurrection value
- Adjusted the Set-Bonus system to always grant Enhancement or Attack bonus not based on the weapon type but based on the highest between Attack or Enhancement that are already on the weapon
- Fixed Creatures with Improved Critical Creature not working properly for Creature Weapons
- Fixed the sit-on-object script not checking for polymorph/mounted status
- Fixed Benzor Inn sign out of position
- Fixed new Raids Loot Need Power assignment when you join a party that has already started the raid
- Fixed Terrifying Rage triggering on neutral NPCs
- Fixed Henchmen being resurrected by their master disappearing right after
- Fixed Henchmen spamming voice when spotting traps/locked chests or while set to Hold Ground and spotting enemies
- Fixed delivery quest marker not properly updating when the item was delivered to the target NPC
- Fixed BBoD and similar summons that require master concentration check OnRemoved effect notification
- Fixed some creatures set to not have a loot corpse but with pre-defined items to drop from also generating random loot
- Fixed quest givers with quests that require an higher level saying wrong text when clicked
- Fixed a possible exploit with level-up while polymorphed/mounted