Test Area has been build new from zero:
- Added multiple training grounds: characters can enter up to 4 training grounds and fight different creatures (even 1 or more boss creatures at the same time). Once a ground it taken, no one else is allowed inside of it unless the character is into the same party of who is already inside. (There can’t be more than 4 creatures per testing ground)
- The Test Area is now one big area only
- Added many more Trainers spreaded all over the area
- Added return portals alongside the Skins Shop part
- Items turned to VENGEFUL in Test Area are now keeping the TEST flag into their name
- Added Creature Size info to Skin names
- Polymorph Armor AC Bonus form spells (Tenser and Shapechange only), how scale with caster level (maximum is achieved at level 40 for Druid/Sorcerer/wizard).
- Aligned polymorph duration with other polymorph effects stored on the character (the durations used to desync on logout/character save)
- Parties with a CR >10 of the encounter CR will spawn more creatures compared to the default party size
- Parties with a CR >20 of the encounter CR will spawn the maximum allowed by that encounter
- It is now possible to have multiple Boss Creatures with firing mechanics in the same area.
- Each boss will fire its own mechanics into his mechanics range (stronger the boss, wider the range)
- When a boss dies, any creature spawned and bound to it will die too
- Fixed characters with custom skins and custom size resizing also while polymorphed
- Fixed temporary item properties (from spells), on items being removed during character save while polymorphed
- Party Average Limit increased at -4.5 (up from -4.0)
- Fixed Misty Hidden Forest missing spawn points
- Fixed Encounters set to not respawn still respawning
- ILR for Scrolls has been adjusted and is now based on the minimum level required by a creature to fire that spell (max ILR is 17)
- Added Blackguard Socketable Gems
- XP Gain slightly reduced (XP Multiplier set to 10, down from 12)