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Work with us!

How to contribute actively to the project!

A Dawn of Heroes is a game world in constant development, like a sort of an early-access. There are still many projects we’d love to add to the game (Some available projects can be checked on our Trello page), and the more we are, the better! In A Dawn of Heroes, we are all volunteers, driven by a strong passion for the game and for its community!

If interested in any of the below open positions, contact us on Discord, or via e-mail!

Default Prerequisites

The following prerequisites are sorta valid for all open positions, regardless of its specific type:

  • You have some free time, weekly and long term, that you wish to spend on A Dawn of Heroes, for its community, and for the good of everyone playing this beautiful game!
  • You are an open minded person, you respect others opinions and are able to work and discuss with a team of members with different ideas and abilities.

Open Positions

NWScript Developer

  • You are familiar with nwscript. If you are not familiar with it but have dev skills, you shouldn’t have problems mastering it, its an easy language, similar to old C, but easier.
  • You are familiar with the use of GitHub.
  • Knowledge of C++ or C# is a plus (used to code custom plugins).

Autora Toolset Builder

  • You are familiar with Neverwinter Nights Aurora Toolset, and know how your way through its functions. No scripting knowledge needed!
  • You are a NwN action oriented player (and you like a story light approach too!).
  • You are familiar with A Dawn of Heroes custom systems and features.

Current objective: There are many unused areas on the module to rework, adjust, expand. More cities and dungeons to build, etc.

Graphic Designer

  • You are familiar with graphic software in general. NWN specifically uses blender with the Neverblender graphic plugin.

Current objective: create new effects for dungeons mechanics improvement, create more mounts and creatures.

Back-End Developer

  • You are familiar with website development and maintenance.
  • Knowledge in SQL and SQLite databases is required.

Current objective: expand our website with per-user dashboards with per-character/player in-game statistics and data.